take me to the next whiskey bar..

metropolly does alabama song for murder studios 4th installment.

vol. 4: the DOORS

Metropolly rips into this old time cover & bangs the box o’ strings to echo this classic DOORS take from the 1930 opera Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny…featuring big top beats and Jolly the Chimp.

listen to the full compilation here —->  murder studios inc presents vol 4: the DOORS


chuy song

*updated: well…. this one got the boot from youtube.  publishers tend to change minds.  so it goes.*

“a big mustache between two ears that listen” – here’s a remake of  “brother louie” recorded for the chuy campaign

instrumentation: the webstirs
recorded by: matt allison @ atlas studios
vox: metropolly
the “brain” behind the project: rosario nolan